Welcome to a weekend where movement modalities, cities and dance communities come in union.
A weekend where the bond between us becomes a bridge that joins us rather than a wall that separates us.
“I really wish for you and I to come to a point where it no longer matters what we call it, Nia, Soul Motion®, 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine… it is dance – in stillness and sound – enhancing our consciousness, sharpening our attention and hopefully widening into the world more readily and relaxed. Dancing affects our nervous system. Dance stimulates, heals and gets us out of the habitual. Let us join hearts and begin our dance from here. One with all one – the world need us” ~ Camilla Steen Larsen
You can join us in Linz and Wien for a weekend of 2 days 2 cities.
Sunday Oct 6th, 2019 – Vienna
“Wild at Heart”
“The Wilderness holds answers to more questions than we have yet learned to ask” – Nancy Newhall
We will move within to find what might have become hidden for us and rise through the wilderness with an open heart – our life force energy becomes our inner guide. We will commit to our inner fire, give permission to express it and be moved by it. We will curiously listen to what is present and through the dance shake off what is not needed anymore. We will explore how to meet ourselves and others with our heart first. That which is ready to be lit will unfold as we rise through the wilderness – alone and together.
Wild at heart is an invitation to tell the story of who we are with our whole heart through the dance. We will see and be seen in our vulnerability as well as being receptive for the fragility of another. We will give voice to our wild heart and show up for ourselves, other, the community and spirit. No prior dance practice is required to attend this weekend, all you need is your body and you will be extra prepared.
No prior dance practice is required to attend this weekend, all you need is your body and you will be extra prepared.
“Wild at Heart”
Nia® and Soul Motion® Workshop
6th of October, 2019 10-17
in Vienna; Austria
with Camilla Steen Larsen (DK)
Price: 75€ early bird before July 31st hereafter 85€.
Linz & Wien Workshop Paket early bird 135€ before July 31st, 2019 hereafter 155€
Registration: Gabriele Schlick at: gabriele@nianow.at
About Camilla:
Camilla passionately lives her dream of bringing dance as a lifestyle to the world as an entry to come one step closer to ourselves. She believes that every single one of us are unique and make a difference.Camilla brings over 25 years of experience in teaching movement, dance and life change. She is the founder and creator of the Mastering of Self training. For more WWW.BE-MOVED.DK or WWW.CAMILLA.LIFE