Soul Motion: Naked – a conscious dance workshop
September 2-4, Helsinki
It has taken me two years to have the courage to bring this workshop into the world.
When I shared the story of when it was born and my shyness towards the name Naked for a sacred journey where we do keep our clothes on – we were in a ringing yes! So here we go, we present to you: Naked
naked adjective
// : lacking embellishment : Embellish means to make (something) more appealing or attractive with fanciful or decorative details.
Our alchemical eye – the area between our collar bones – the bed of our vocal chords. Relax open here and everything changes, feel that?
We will practice to restore and renew the nervous system by allowing, by giving embodied permission.
We are invited to become truth speakers beginning from the preferred language of the body.
Unadorned our expression is freed. We untether our voice. We are called homeward.
Reclaim your bounce, your dancing heart as an earthian draped in human skin.
Let us release what has been kept, held back within us about ourselves for these are not ours to carry in this life time.
We will meet and be met by the purity of silence as well as of sounds within the music. You and I are invited to dance as both.
We will speak the truth of who we are with our whole heart – the body as one doorway through which we experience life moving through us and as us – and enhance our capacity to wildly root in the remembrance of our divinity.
It ain’t always pretty but it is beautiful – naked we love ahead.
Please bring an open heart and a soft belly to the various ways Naked might express through other souls in motion. We will be moving in a sanctuary and honour space by letting our bodies speak.
A safe container is held with clarity as we ride the cosy confines of comfort as well as the edges of discomfort.
No previous experience is necessary, only your curiousity and desire to move and be moved.
Camilla Steen Larsen:
Camilla brings conscious moving as an entry to come one step closer to ourselves.
She believes that not only are every single one of us so needed we are necessary as we take Remembership.
Bringing over 30 years of experience in teaching movement her way to live life with less not enoughness creates a radical transformational journey into your magnificence and worthiness – Camilla calls it a Loveolution.
September 2-4 2022
Friday 18-21 (***open evening)
Saturday 10-17
Sunday 1-16
***Friday open evening class is part of the workshop but open for others who can only participate this evening.
Where: Cable Factory, Helsinki
Price: 240€ full weekend / early bird price 200€ when paid before August 1, 2022
Friday night only 50€
Registration to Noora Palokankare: noora@luotostories.com