Soul Motion®: Foundations
with Doreen Tönjes & Camilla Steen Larsen
This five-day immersion is a deep dive into the architecture and foundational elements that support the practice of Soul Motion. Emphasis is on the foundational four Soul Motion movement landscapes; dancing alone, dancing with another, dancing with everyone, dancing in the everyday.
Foundations include the movement tools, somatic language, and relational landscapes and platforms of Soul Motion. Together we explore the key elements that make this powerful practice unique. Soul Motion is a practice where we cultivate our capacity to listen to the profound wisdom of our bodies and the quiet whisperings of our soul. From this place we meet the world alive and present. Come as you are. No prior dance experience is required to attend, all you need is your body and you will be extra prepared! The workshop will be taught in English, German and the Universal language of the body.
“Join us for a playful and heartfelt dive into the foundations of Soul Motion. We so look forward to meeting you within the dance!”
For more about Doreen:
May 4-8, 2022
Seminarhaus – Leuther Mühle
Hinsbeckerstraße 34
41 334 Nettetal
Workshop 650 € / 590 € reduced rate
+ Accomodation
Please contact Leuther Mühle directly for booking of room:
Please reach out to us here and for registration:
Doreen Tönjes
Camilla Steen Larsen at