Coming Together
Earth Vibes is Nia and Soul Motion conscious movement practices taking roots
in the practice of medical qigong.
[coming together] – the social act of assembling for some common purpose
Together – you and I – we begin from and return to the potent pause of presence. We begin close in with the dance intimate, the one closest to our skin. This is a dance of discovery – one through which we move with what is here, near and far. We investigate how to be present and grounded in relationship to ourselves, with others and the world in the everyday dance floor. We dance alone and together – unique yet never separate – meeting ourselves and others with open hearts.
We open and get to re-arrange what became familiar with our bodies as teacher and guide.
You will experience an enhanced embodied presence – a the feeling of coming home – maybe one step closer to yourself. Whether you have a weekly movement practice or are a dancer through life “Coming Home” will condition your nervous system and set your soul in motion.
No prior dance practice is required to attend this weekend, all you need is your body and you will be extra prepared.
“To become human is to become visible, while bringing what is hidden as a gift for others”
~ David Whyte