“Together in Heart” Weekend
October 5-6th, 2019 Austria with Camilla Steen Larsen (DK)
Welcome to a weekend where movement modalities, cities and dance communities come in union.
A weekend where the bond between us becomes a bridge that joins us rather than a wall that separates us.
“I really wish for you and I to come to a point where it no longer matters what we call it, Nia, Soul Motion®, 5Rhythms, Movement Medicine… it is dance – in stillness and sound – enhancing our consciousness, sharpening our attention and hopefully widening into the world more readily and relaxed. Dancing affects our nervous system. Dance stimulates, heals and gets us out of the habitual. Let us join hearts and begin our dance from here. One with all one – the world need us” ~ Camilla Steen Larsen
You can join us in Linz and Wien for a weekend of
Nia® & Soul Motion® Workshop
“Coming Together”
[coming together]– the social act of assembling for some common purpose.
Through the practice of Soul Motion® we explore the possibilities and patterns of our relationships while being grounded in our bodies with an open heart.
We begin close in with the discovery of dance intimate, the one closestto our skin. We explore how to be present to ourselves, with others and the world off of the dance floor.
We practice pausing in presence as a sacred act of letting go of what we thought we knew. We practice revealing our vulnerability, lean into the arms of community and surrender ourselves as we relate to the world – self is your new master.
You will experience an enhanced embodied presence – a feeling of coming home – maybe one step closer to yourself. Whether you have a weekly movement practice or are a dancer through life “Coming Together” will condition your nervous system and set your soul in motion.
No prior dance practice is required to attend this weekend, all you need is your body and you will be extra prepared.
Coming together will be an immersion of different modalities and communities coming one with all. Nia® and Soul Motion® movement modalities taking roots in the practice of medical qigong.
“To become human is to become visible, while bringing what is hidden as a gift for others” ~ David Whyte
Nia® & Soul Motion® Workshop
5th of October, 2019 10.00-17.00
in Linz
with Camilla Steen Larsen (DK)
Price: 75€ early bird until 31. Juli hereafter 85€
Linz & Wien Workshop Paket early bird 135€ before July 31st, 2019 hereafter 155€
Anmeldung: Elke Weindl at: elke_weindl@hotmail.com
About Camilla:
Camilla passionately lives her dream of bringing dance as a lifestyle to the world as an entry to come one step closer to ourselves. She believes that every single one of us are unique and make a difference.Camilla brings over 25 years of experience in teaching movement, dance and life change. She is the founder and creator of the Mastering of Self training. For more WWW.BE-MOVED.DK or WWW.CAMILLA.LIFE