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The Wild Truth Of The Open Heart ~ a ceremony

Saturday November 28th, 18.00-22.00 CET
Live in Be moved & online around the world

“and the day came when the desire to remain tight in a bud grew more painful than the risk it takes to blossom – Anaïs Nin

Free yourself from your human skin and be embraced in the remembrance of your divinity.
Nested in the lovely Be moved we will meet and be met by the purity of silence as well as of sounds within the music.
You and I are invited to become truth speakers beginning from the preferred language of the body. Let us release our guilt, let go of our shame for these are not ours to carry in this life time.
We will meet places hidden – maybe forbidden – by surrendering, breathing, seeking the path of less resistance and dare to go deep within and love more.
Reclaim your bounce your dancing heart as an earth warrior draped in human skin.

Please bring an open heart and a soft belly to the various ways The Wild Truth Of The Open Heart might express through other souls in motion.
We will be in moving ceremony honouring by letting our bodies speak.
A safe container is held with clarity as we ride the cosy confines of comfort as well as the edges of discomfort.

No previous experience is necessary, only your curiousity and desire to move and be moved.
A luscious afternoon where we will tremble open to allow and receive our wild truth.


The wild truth to tremble open 

The Wild Truth of the Open Heart is an opening gateway for the lovelution we call Shine on Shame – a 6 week course starting soon.
It is a ritual, a circle around the world taking roots in the need and longing for a “we”.
You, me, us, we vulnerable and with great courage are held by one another to come self unveiled.
Our willingness to show up and allow ourselves to be seen will lovingly pour into all relationships whether to self, careeer, lovers, partners.
SoS live · love · lead – with effortlessness and ease our desires come to decisions with joy. We go the places where we sometimes shy out when opinionating our emotions, the reactions of others, the what ifs and the many unknowns.
A Saturday afternoon in pleasure, joy, fear, doubt and everything in between…
This workshop is an opening for the Shine on Shame journey. Stay with what is uncomfortable long enough to give it expression – our fears become the doorway.
We breathe, we sit, we move, feel, sound, and we become still make space for what is being moved through us.
You are a shining star. You are not alone. You are held. Surrender into the arms of community.
See and be met in all your mess, you do not have wait until you “feel better”.
We are working behind the scenes to create and give birth to this loveulotion.

Who am I and why me?
I am Camilla….
a conscious movement teacher, lover, writer, foodie and dancer of life and oh, have I been in my own way to experience love, pleasure and joy.
Not until I met my self-disgust and self-hatred head on I could hear my real longings. I was navigating in my not enoughness getting stuck and ended up in over-doing, riding a wave of yesness for then to fall back down with Netflix and a bag of doubt as my best comfort.
To be where I was a teacher, living my dream and still hiding in shame, behind my heart a voice saying “grow up and get a real job, will you”.
I came to ask, how can I create something big when feeling I am a failure?
How can I surrender into being love(d) when not having accepted the shape I am in human draped form.
And yes, just like that the self disgust and hatred vanished.
I stayed with what was uncomfortable and agreed to love that as well. A sensation of emptiness followed, a newness where nothing felt the same, old patterns of easy to grab for escape routes did no longer working. So much light moving through me and where to put it?
This became one of the core stones of Shine on Shame – SoS.
I knew I was not alone, one longing was to connect – be a we – more together than alone in our fumbling and stumbling.
To my surprise my experience was that the more raw and messy I showed up, the more of an inspiration I was.
After a pleasurable, juicy, fierce journey from heart break to allowing myself to feel and receive love deeper than ever dared to, I decided to create a community, a circle, a ceremony – Shine on Shame SoS was born.

“I wish to carry that torch of coming in unity forward and be the longing, be the pleasure and be the freedom I sensed as a restless itch in my heart and body.
My wish is to create a programme, a community, a ritual where masks come off and we become selves unveiled – the body as our pathway, our lives the teacher” ~ Camilla


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