Hearing the Heart Beat of Earth
4 Thursdays & 1/2 day workshop
18-20h CET I 9-11am PST I noon – 2pm EST
on screen and/or audio only
1/2 day workshop
December 5
18-21h CET I 9am – noon PST I noon – 3pm EST
on screen
Novemeber 12
18-20h CET I 9-11am PST I noon – 2pm EST
– on screen
We will meet connect in the circle for the first time in face and body with video on screen – live from Be moved.
We will dive in for a two-hour class and Camilla will lead earth body explorations and conscious movement. We discover through deep body practices for connecting with our inner wild truth, dreams and deep desires.
The movement inquries will be weaved with embodied writing bridging body and Earth with words. We will share and be moved by the individual and the collective stories that are emerging.
(all sessions will be recorded for you to join at any time)
December 3
– in Nature – audio only
Basically we are taking a conscious walk in nature together. More together than alone – we dive into the mystery of taking the dance we call walking into Nature. In the wild nature, in a park, near the river, on the beach or right outside your window we connect via the zoom. We might shortly connect with seeing each other’s location and then go ‘audio only’.
A 1/2 day workshop:
December 5, 2020 – LIVE from Be moved
18 -21.30 h Central European Time I 9 am–12:30 pm Pacific Time I noon–3:30 pm Eastern
– on screen
Us coming in unity weaves into a collective movement tapestry that will find ways and threads into our everyday feeling like we are always in all ways are connected with the bigger. The embodied writing we did will be shared and we will know from our roots up and beyond that there is no seperation. We are all connected through the majestic magnificence of Nature – here, near and there. We begin again and share our wild truth of our open hearts with our bodies or our words with the world.
Hear the heart beat of the earth under your feet? Ask earth where to next. How do you receive the answer?For years people have been meeting in circles of support, dance share their passions, their challenges giving attention to their intention set in motion.
– African proverb
Where to move in Nature?
A city park, your garden, the beach, near the river or venture out into the wilder terrain. All inquiries will be recorded for you to (re)move within.
You will be part of a Earth circle via our online community in Facebook Earth Vibes – Hearts’ wild Nature group.
After our last meeting in September you will be given resources and invitations for taking some intentional Nature Walks – taking Earth Vibes with you into your ever circling everyday of yours.
Click the image below for registering